# class Employee(object):
# pass
# employee1 = Employee()
# employee1.first = 'Harry'
# employee1.surname = 'Potter'
# employee1.salary = 4000
# employee1.email = This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.'
# print('{}, {}, {}'.format(employee1.first + ' ' +employee1.surname,
# employee1.salary, employee1.email))
# employee2 = Employee()
# employee2.first = 'Bilbo'
# employee2.surname = 'Baggins'
# employee2.salary = 6000
# employee2.email = This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.'
# print('{}, {}, {}'.format(employee2.first + ' ' +employee2.surname,
# employee2.salary, employee2.email))
class Employee():
raiseAmount = 1.04
employeeNum = 0
def __init__(self, first, surname, salary):
self.first = first
self.surname = surname
self.salary = salary
self.email = first + '.' + surname + This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.'
Employee.employeeNum += 1
def infoSummary(self):
return '{}, {}, {}'.format(self.first + ' ' + self.surname,
self.salary, self.email)
def raiseSalary(self):
self.salary = self.salary * self.raiseAmount
employee1 = Employee('Harry', 'Potter', 4000)
employee2 = Employee('Bilbo', 'Baggins', 6000)
employee3 = Employee('Mark', 'Twain', 8000)
employee4 = Employee('Julius', 'Caesar', 12000)
employee2.raiseAmount = 1.08
# print(employee2.__dict__)
# print(employee1.__dict__)
# print(employee1.raiseAmount)
# print(Employee.__dict__)
print('there is {} employees'.format(Employee.employeeNum))
# class method, static method and inheritance
class Employee(object):
raiseAmount = 1.04
employeeNum = 0
def __init__(self, first, surname, salary):
self.first = first
self.surname = surname
self.salary = salary
self.email = first + '.' + surname + This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.'
Employee.employeeNum += 1
def infoSummary(self):
return '{}, {}, {}'.format(self.first + ' ' + self.surname,
self.salary, self.email)
def raiseSalary(self):
self.salary = self.salary * self.raiseAmount
def setRaiseAmount(cls, amount):
cls.raiseAmount = amount
def newFromString(cls, empstr):
first, surname, salary = empstr.split('-')
return cls(first, surname, salary)
def whatDay(day):
num = day.weekday()
if num == 0:
print('\nLet\'s look at the bright side. At least Mondays only happen once a week')
if num == 1:
print('\nThank goodness Monday is gone. Happy Tuesday!')
if num == 2:
print('\nIt’s Wednesday. That means that we are over the hump!')
if num == 3:
print('\nHappy Thursday! P.S. It’s almost Friday!')
if num == 4:
print('\nHello Friday, where have you been all week?')
if num == 5:
print('\nSaturday is the perfect day for a wonderful adventure')
if num == 6:
print('\nOn this lovely Sunday...')
class Writer(Employee):
raiseAmount = 1.08
def __init__(self, first, surname, salary, masterwork):
Employee.__init__(self, first, surname, salary)
self.masterwork = masterwork
def infoSummary(self):
return '{}, {}, \n{}, \n{}\n'.format(self.first + ' ' + self.surname,
self.salary, self.email, self.masterwork)
def newFromString(cls, empstr):
first, surname, salary, masterwork = empstr.split('-')
return cls(first, surname, salary, masterwork)
class Leader(Employee):
def __init__(self, first, surname, salary, employees=None):
super().__init__(first, surname, salary)
if employees is None:
self.employees = []
self.employees = employees
def infoSummary(self):
nameList = []
for e in self.employees:
nameList.append(e.first + ' ' + e.surname)
return '{}, {}, \n{}, \n{}\n'.format(self.first + ' ' + self.surname,
self.salary, self.email, nameList)
def addEmp(self, emp):
if emp not in self.employees:
def delEmp(self, emp):
if emp in self.employees:
def newFromString(cls, empstr):
print('\nSorry, it does not work for Leader\n')
empCharacter1 = Employee('Harry', 'Potter', 4000)
empCharacter2 = Employee('Bilbo', 'Baggins', 6000)
empWriter1 = Writer('Mark', 'Twain', 8000, 'The adventure of Tom Sawyer')
empLeader = Leader('Julius', 'Caesar', 12000, [empCharacter1, empCharacter2])
empStr1 = 'J.K-Rowling-10000-Harry Potter'
empStr2 = 'J.R.R-Tolkien-8000-The lord of rings'
empWriter2 = Writer.newFromString(empStr1)
empWriter3 = Writer.newFromString(empStr2)
# Property
class Employee(object):
raiseAmount = 1.04
employeeNum = 0
def __init__(self, first='Unknown', surname='Unknown', salary=0):
self.__first = first
self.__surname = surname
self.__salary = salary
Employee.employeeNum += 1
def email(self):
return self.__first + '.' + self.__surname + This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.'
def fullname(self):
return self.__first + ' ' + self.__surname
def fullname(self, value):
if isinstance(value, str):
self.__first, self.__surname = value.split()
def first(self):
return self.__first
def first(self, value):
if isinstance(value, str):
self.__first = value
print('Firstname must be string')
def surname(self):
return self.__surname
def surname(self, value):
if isinstance(value, str):
self.__surname = value
print('Surnamename must be string')
def salary(self):
return self.__salary
def salary(self, amount):
if isinstance(amount, int) or isinstance(amount, float):
self.__salary = amount
print('Salary must be interger or float')
def infoSummary(self):
return '{}, {}, {}'.format(self.fullname,
self.salary, self.email)
def raiseSalary(self):
self.salary = self.salary * self.raiseAmount
def setRaiseAmount(cls, amount):
cls.raiseAmount = amount
def newFromString(cls, empstr):
first, surname, salary = empstr.split('-')
return cls(first, surname, salary)
def whatDay(day):
num = day.weekday()
if num == 0:
print('\nLet\'s look at the bright side. At least Mondays only happen once a week')
if num == 1:
print('\nThank goodness Monday is gone. Happy Tuesday!')
if num == 2:
print('\nIt’s Wednesday. That means that we are over the hump!')
if num == 3:
print('\nHappy Thursday! P.S. It’s almost Friday!')
if num == 4:
print('\nHello Friday, where have you been all week?')
if num == 5:
print('\nSaturday is the perfect day for a wonderful adventure')
if num == 6:
print('\nOn this lovely Sunday...')
# class Writer(Employee):
# raiseAmount = 1.08
# def __init__(self, first, surname, salary, masterwork):
# Employee.__init__(self, first, surname, salary)
# self.masterwork = masterwork
# def infoSummary(self):
# return '{}, {}, \n{}, \n{}\n'.format(self.first + ' ' + self.surname,
# self.salary, self.email, self.masterwork)
# @classmethod
# def newFromString(cls, empstr):
# first, surname, salary, masterwork = empstr.split('-')
# return cls(first, surname, salary, masterwork)
# class Leader(Employee):
# def __init__(self, first, surname, salary, employees=None):
# super().__init__(first, surname, salary)
# if employees is None:
# self.employees = []
# else:
# self.employees = employees
# def infoSummary(self):
# nameList = []
# for e in self.employees:
# nameList.append(e.first + ' ' + e.surname)
# return '{}, {}, \n{}, \n{}\n'.format(self.first + ' ' + self.surname,
# self.salary, self.email, nameList)
# def addEmp(self, emp):
# if emp not in self.employees:
# self.employees.append(emp)
# def delEmp(self, emp):
# if emp in self.employees:
# self.employees.remove(emp)
# @classmethod
# def newFromString(cls, empstr):
# print('\nSorry, it does not work for Leader\n')
# empCharacter1 = Employee('Harry', 'Potter', 4000)
empCharacter1 = Employee('Harry')
empCharacter2 = Employee('Bilbo', 'Baggins', 6000)
# empWriter1 = Writer('Mark', 'Twain', 8000, 'The adventure of Tom Sawyer')
# empLeader = Leader('Julius', 'Caesar', 12000, [empCharacter1, empCharacter2])
# empStr1 = 'J.K-Rowling-10000-Harry Potter'
# empStr2 = 'J.R.R-Tolkien-8000-The lord of rings'
# empWriter2 = Writer.newFromString(empStr1)
# empWriter3 = Writer.newFromString(empStr2)
empCharacter1.surname = 'Potter'
# polymorphism and dunder method
class Employee(object):
__slots__ = ('__first', '__surname', '__salary', 'nickname')
raiseAmount = 1.04
employeeNum = 0
def __init__(self, first='Unknown', surname='Unknown', salary=0):
self.__first = first
self.__surname = surname
self.__salary = salary
Employee.employeeNum += 1
def email(self):
return self.__first + '.' + self.__surname + This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.'
def fullname(self):
return self.__first + ' ' + self.__surname
def fullname(self, value):
if isinstance(value, str):
self.__first, self.__surname = value.split()
def first(self):
return self.__first
def first(self, value):
if isinstance(value, str):
self.__first = value
print('Firstname must be string')
def surname(self):
return self.__surname
def surname(self, value):
if isinstance(value, str):
self.__surname = value
print('Surnamename must be string')
def salary(self):
return self.__salary
def salary(self, amount):
if isinstance(amount, int) or isinstance(amount, float):
self.__salary = amount
print('Salary must be interger or float')
def infoSummary(self):
return '\n{}, {}, {}\n'.format(self.fullname,
self.salary, self.email)
def raiseSalary(self):
self.salary = self.salary * self.raiseAmount
def setRaiseAmount(cls, amount):
cls.raiseAmount = amount
def newFromString(cls, empstr):
first, surname, salary = empstr.split('-')
return cls(first, surname, salary)
def whatDay(day):
num = day.weekday()
if num == 0:
print('\nLet\'s look at the bright side. At least Mondays only happen once a week')
if num == 1:
print('\nThank goodness Monday is gone. Happy Tuesday!')
if num == 2:
print('\nIt’s Wednesday. That means that we are over the hump!')
if num == 3:
print('\nHappy Thursday! P.S. It’s almost Friday!')
if num == 4:
print('\nHello Friday, where have you been all week?')
if num == 5:
print('\nSaturday is the perfect day for a wonderful adventure')
if num == 6:
print('\nOn this lovely Sunday...')
class Writer(Employee):
raiseAmount = 1.08
def __init__(self, first, surname, salary, masterwork=''):
Employee.__init__(self, first, surname, salary)
self.masterwork = masterwork
def infoSummary(self):
return '{}, {}, \n{}, \n{}\n'.format(self.fullname,
self.salary, self.email, self.masterwork)
def newFromString(cls, empstr):
first, surname, salary, masterwork = empstr.split('-')
return cls(first, surname, salary, masterwork)
def __add__(self, otherWriter):
if isinstance(otherWriter, Writer):
return '{} and {}'.format(self.masterwork, otherWriter.masterwork)
return 'Kindly register {}\' masterwork at first, thanks'.format(otherWriter.fullname)
class Leader(Employee):
def __init__(self, first, surname, salary, employees=None):
super().__init__(first, surname, salary)
if employees is None:
self.employees = []
self.employees = employees
def __repr__(self):
return '\n__repr__: {}\n'.format(self.infoSummary())
def __str__(self):
return '\n__str__: {}\n'.format(self.fullname)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.employees)
def infoSummary(self):
nameList = []
for e in self.employees:
return '{}, {}, \n{}, \n{}\n'.format(self.fullname,
self.salary, self.email, nameList)
def addEmp(self, emp):
if emp not in self.employees:
def delEmp(self, emp):
if emp in self.employees:
def newFromString(cls, empstr):
print('\nSorry, it does not work for Leader\n')
class Duck(object):
def infoSummary(self):
return '\nIn fact, I am a duck!\n'
def annualIncreaseRate(obj):
print('\nAnnual salary increase rate for {} is {}\n'.format(
type(obj).__name__, obj.raiseAmount))
def output(obj):
if hasattr(obj, 'infoSummary'):
print('No comment' )
empCharacter1 = Employee('Harry', 'Potter', 4000)
empCharacter2 = Employee('Bilbo', 'Baggins', 6000)
empWriter1 = Writer('Mark', 'Twain', 8000, 'The adventure of Tom Sawyer')
empLeader = Leader('Julius', 'Caesar', 12000, [empCharacter1, empCharacter2])
empStr1 = 'J.K-Rowling-10000-Harry Potter'
empStr2 = 'J.R.R-Tolkien-8000-The lord of rings'
empWriter2 = Writer.newFromString(empStr1)
empWriter3 = Writer.newFromString(empStr2)
# print(type(empLeader))
# print(type(empLeader).__name__)
# polymorphism
# annualIncreaseRate(empCharacter1)
# annualIncreaseRate(empWriter1)
# annualIncreaseRate(empLeader)
# output(empLeader)
# output(empWriter2)
# output(empCharacter1)
# # #
# output('Harry Potter')
# #
# donaldDuck = Duck()
# output(donaldDuck)
# __repr__ and __str__
# print(empLeader)
# print(empLeader.__repr__())
# print(empLeader.__str__())
# __add__
# print(1+2)
# print(int.__add__(1, 2))
# print('glory ' + 'Godness')
# print(str.__add__('joy ' , 'Godness'))
# print(empWriter2 + empWriter3)
# print(empWriter2 + empLeader)
# __eq__ : Equal
# __ne__ : Not Equal
# __lt__ : Less Than
# __gt__ : Greater Than
# __le__ : Less Than or Equal
# __ge__ : Greater Than or Equal
# __add__ : Addition
# __sub__ : Subtraction
# __mul__ : Multiplication
# __div__ : Division
# __mod__ : Modulus
# __len__()
# print(len('blue moon'))
# print('blue moon'.__len__())
# print(len(empLeader))
# __slot__
empCharacter1.nickname = 'Pikachu'
# from datetime import date
# a = date.today()
# b = str(a)
# print(a)
# print(b)
# print(a.__str__())
# print(b.__str__())
# print(a.__repr__())
# print(b.__repr__())
class Employee(object):
__slots__ = ('__first', '__surname', '__salary', 'nickname')
raiseAmount = 1.04
employeeNum = 0
def __init__(self, first='Unknown', surname='Unknown', salary=0):
self.first = first
self.surname = surname
self.salary = salary
Employee.employeeNum += 1
def email(self):
return self.first + '.' + self.surname + This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.'
def fullname(self):
return self.first + ' ' + self.surname
def fullname(self, value):
if isinstance(value, str):
self.first, self.surname = value.split()
def first(self):
return self.__first
def first(self, value):
if isinstance(value, str):
self.__first = value
print('Firstname must be string')
def surname(self):
return self.__surname
def surname(self, value):
if isinstance(value, str):
self.__surname = value
print('Surnamename must be string')
def salary(self):
return self.__salary
def salary(self, amount):
if isinstance(amount, int) or isinstance(amount, float):
self.__salary = amount
print('Salary must be interger or float')
def infoSummary(self):
return '\n{}, {}, {}\n'.format(self.fullname,
self.salary, self.email)
def raiseSalary(self):
self.salary = self.salary * self.raiseAmount
def setRaiseAmount(cls, amount):
cls.raiseAmount = amount
def newFromString(cls, empstr):
first, surname, salary = empstr.split('-')
return cls(first, surname, salary)
def whatDay(day):
num = day.weekday()
if num == 0:
print('\nLet\'s look at the bright side. At least Mondays only happen once a week')
if num == 1:
print('\nThank goodness Monday is gone. Happy Tuesday!')
if num == 2:
print('\nIt’s Wednesday. That means that we are over the hump!')
if num == 3:
print('\nHappy Thursday! P.S. It’s almost Friday!')
if num == 4:
print('\nHello Friday, where have you been all week?')
if num == 5:
print('\nSaturday is the perfect day for a wonderful adventure')
if num == 6:
print('\nOn this lovely Sunday...')
class Writer(Employee):
raiseAmount = 1.08
def __init__(self, first, surname, salary, masterwork=''):
Employee.__init__(self, first, surname, salary)
self.masterwork = masterwork
def infoSummary(self):
return '{}, {}, \n{}, \n{}\n'.format(self.fullname,
self.salary, self.email, self.masterwork)
def newFromString(cls, empstr):
first, surname, salary, masterwork = empstr.split('-')
return cls(first, surname, salary, masterwork)
def __add__(self, otherWriter):
if isinstance(otherWriter, Writer):
return '{} and {}'.format(self.masterwork, otherWriter.masterwork)
return 'Kindly register {}\' masterwork at first, thanks'.format(otherWriter.fullname)
class Leader(Employee):
def __init__(self, first, surname, salary, employees=None):
super().__init__(first, surname, salary)
if employees is None:
self.employees = []
self.employees = employees
def __repr__(self):
return '\n__repr__: {}\n'.format(self.infoSummary())
def __str__(self):
return '\n__str__: {}\n'.format(self.fullname)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.employees)
def infoSummary(self):
nameList = []
for e in self.employees:
return '{}, {}, \n{}, \n{}\n'.format(self.fullname,
self.salary, self.email, nameList)
def addEmp(self, emp):
if emp not in self.employees:
def delEmp(self, emp):
if emp in self.employees:
def newFromString(cls, empstr):
print('\nSorry, it does not work for Leader\n')
class Duck(object):
def infoSummary(self):
return '\nIn fact, I am a duck!\n'
def annualIncreaseRate(obj):
print('\nAnnual salary increase rate for {} is {}\n'.format(
type(obj).__name__, obj.raiseAmount))
def output(obj):
if hasattr(obj, 'infoSummary'):
print('No comment' )
empCharacter1 = Employee('Harry', 'Potter', 4000)
empCharacter2 = Employee('Bilbo', 'Baggins', 6000)
empWriter1 = Writer('Mark', 'Twain', 8000, 'The adventure of Tom Sawyer')
empLeader = Leader('Julius', 'Caesar', 12000, [empCharacter1, empCharacter2])
empStr1 = 'J.K-Rowling-10000-Harry Potter'
empStr2 = 'J.R.R-Tolkien-8000-The lord of rings'
empWriter2 = Writer.newFromString(empStr1)
empWriter3 = Writer.newFromString(empStr2)
# print(type(empLeader))
# print(type(empLeader).__name__)
# polymorphism
# annualIncreaseRate(empCharacter1)
# annualIncreaseRate(empWriter1)
# annualIncreaseRate(empLeader)
# output(empLeader)
# output(empWriter2)
# output(empCharacter1)
# # #
# output('Harry Potter')
# #
# donaldDuck = Duck()
# output(donaldDuck)
# __repr__ and __str__
# print(empLeader)
# print(empLeader.__repr__())
# print(empLeader.__str__())
# __add__
# print(1+2)
# print(int.__add__(1, 2))
# print('glory ' + 'Godness')
# print(str.__add__('joy ' , 'Godness'))
# print(empWriter2 + empWriter3)
# print(empWriter2 + empLeader)
# __eq__ : Equal
# __ne__ : Not Equal
# __lt__ : Less Than
# __gt__ : Greater Than
# __le__ : Less Than or Equal
# __ge__ : Greater Than or Equal
# __add__ : Addition
# __sub__ : Subtraction
# __mul__ : Multiplication
# __div__ : Division
# __mod__ : Modulus
# __len__()
# print(len('blue moon'))
# print('blue moon'.__len__())
# print(len(empLeader))
# __slot__
empCharacter1.nickname = 'Pikachu'
# from datetime import date
# a = date.today()
# b = str(a)
# print(a)
# print(b)
# print(a.__str__())
# print(b.__str__())
# print(a.__repr__())
# print(b.__repr__())