


# ---------- PROBLEM : ACRONYM GENERATOR ----------
# You will enter a string and then convert it to an acronym
# with uppercase letters like this
Convert to Acronym : Random Access Memory

# Ask for a string
str1 = input("Convert to Acronym : ")

# Convert the string to all uppercase
str1 = str1.upper()

# Covert the string into a list
listOfWords = str1.split()
# Cycle through the list
for word in listOfWords:

	# Print the 1st letter of the word
	print(word[0], end='')










# ---------- PROBLEM : SECRET STRING ----------

# Input string to be encrypted and initiate values
orig_message = input("Enter a string: ")

# initiate value for encrypted string
secret_message = ''

# cycle through each character in the string
for char in orig_message:

	tempCode = str(ord(char) - 27)
	if len(tempCode) == 1:
		tempCode = '0' + tempCode

	# store each character code in secret message
	secret_message += tempCode

# Print encrypted message
print("Secret message: ", secret_message)

# Cycle through two character code at a time
norm_string = ""

for i in range(0, len(secret_message)-1, 2):

	# Convert the code into characters and add them to the string
	char_code = int(secret_message[i] + secret_message[i+1])

	norm_string += chr(char_code + 27)

# Print the string
print("Original message : ", norm_string)



传说在战场上凯撒用这种密文来跟他的将军们进行通信,“Attack at Dawn!"的密文根据偏移量不同而不同,偏移量为3时,加密结果是“Dwwdfn dw Gdzq”。




# ---------- PROBLEM : CAESAR'S CIPHER ----------
# Receive a message and then encrypt it by shifting the
# characters by a requested amount to the right
# A becomes D, B becomes E for example
# Also decrypt the message back again

# Receive the message to encrypt and the number of characters to shift
message = input("Enter your message: ")
key = int(input("How many characters should we shift(-26 ~ 26) "))

# Prepare your secret message
secret_message = ''

# Cycle through each character in the message
for char in message:

	# if it is a letter
	if char.isalpha():

		# Get unicode and add the shift amount
		char_code = ord(char) + key

		# if uppercase
		if char.isupper():

			# if greater than 'Z'
			if char_code > ord('Z'):
				char_code -= 26

			# if less than 'A'
			if char_code < ord('A'):
				char_code += 26

		# if lowercase
		if char.islower():

			# if greater than 'z'
			if char_code > ord('z'):
				char_code -= 26

			# if less than 'a'
			if char_code < ord('a'):
					char_code += 26

		# Convert from code to letter and add to message
		secret_message += chr(char_code)

	# if not a letter leave the character as is
		secret_message += char

# print the encrypted message
print("Encrypted message: ", secret_message)

# To decrypt the only thing that changes is the sign of the key
key = -key

orig_message = ""

for char in secret_message:

	# if it is a letter
	if char.isalpha():

		# Get unicode and add the shift amount
		char_code = ord(char) + key

		# if uppercase
		if char.isupper():

			# if greater than 'Z'
			if char_code > ord('Z'):
				char_code -= 26

			# if less than 'A'
			if char_code < ord('A'):
				char_code += 26

		# if lowercase
		if char.islower():

			# if greater than 'z'
			if char_code > ord('z'):
				char_code -= 26

			# if less than 'a'
			if char_code < ord('a'):
				char_code += 26

		# Convert from code to letter and add to message
		orig_message += chr(char_code)

	# if not a letter leave the character as is
		orig_message += char

print("Decrypted message: ", orig_message)


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